1. ホーム
  2. 原作「原神」
  3. 【KK 09】(訂製) Sex Dance 雷電將軍 – POP!

【KK 09】(訂製) Sex Dance 雷電將軍 – POP!

感謝AlexMecer大哥的贊助這次做到後面比較倉促,發現做SEX的部分太多了片長塞不下,索性後半段就全塞進去了這次刪掉了足交的部分然後多新增了一些絲襪的部分,應該也有一部份人喜歡絲襪吧?喜歡了話幫我點個小愛心吧❤️~我和Poyo的Discord: https://discord.gg/aEGPSWHHTe4K&訂製內容:https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23223344Thanks to brother AlexMecer for sponsoringThis time I did it in a hurry. I found that the sex part was too much to fit in the length of the film, so I just crammed it all into the second half.This time I deleted the footjob part and added some stockings parts. There must be some people who like stockings, right?If you like it, give me a little love ❤️~My Discord with Poyo: https://discord.gg/aEGPSWHHTe4K & customized content: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23223344


