1. ホーム
  2. 原作「アズールレーン」
  3. 【Azur Lane】Sex Machine

【Azur Lane】Sex Machine

Hood’s clothe:design @RarityUSSR 、modeling @PigeooooonWales’s clothe:modeling @Pigeooooon鉄血giirls and York :original model Godless R&DStage:@Cyalonsan我版本的約克換過身體,但原版的依然值得購買,你們可以在Godless的商店買到My York has body swap, but the original is still worth buying, you can get it at Godless R&D store我開了贊助,您可以贊助我以獲取4K版本You can support me to get the 4K version.PatreonTwitter感謝這些創作者的模型或技術支援Thanks to these creators for their models or support,你們可以在推特追蹤他們You can follow them on Twitter.陽夜hazyLTC_RavenLinuxDxheirdamuIf you like this video, please press like.I will happy for that.

